Tuesday, October 12, 2010

ho hum.....

I tried to let Caden's hair grow, just to see if we could "pull off" a "Bieber haircut"....and well, Caden finally got a much needed haircut and made the cutest little smirks during....(I think he was happy he was getting a haircut)!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

loooooong week...

So, we've had a long week. Mama had sinus surgery last Friday, very unexpectantly, Caden's had double ear infections, and Dada's been out of town all week. But, thank goodness my mother-in-law was here to help us. And after this loooooong week, the weekend has arrived and all is well in the Christianson home. Its tough times like this that makes me appreciate our laid back, blessed life. And boy oh boy, do I fall more in love with my baby everyday!
A few from Caden....
-note from daycare (Ms. Carolyn): "everytime I cough, Caden says "You ok?"

-"Mama, whea awww you?"

-"Mama, you heah that?"

-"Move, giffin!"

-and of course, the dreaded, "No" and "Mine"

He is still as sweet as can be, becoming more and more attached to his Dada (to be expected!) And, to top it off, I've begun planning my 2nd birthday party!!