Thursday, May 27, 2010

My sweet baby boy....

Things I want to never forget....

~Caden holding my hand just to walk to the next room.

~My cuddly baby--if Caden gets scared or startled, he runs to me, climbs into my lap, lays on me chest to chest and tucks his hands underneath him.

~On the ride home from day care, Caden was saying over and over again "Mama... Dada... Taden!" (how he says Caden)

~Caden is the friendliest child I know! He waves hi and bye to all the neighbors, tells me bye (10+ times) if he is leaving the room, he even waved bye bye to the fish at the pet store.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pool Time

Almost every Saturday, we go to the pool. And, every Saturday Caden does not enjoy himself. He LOVES his baths, he LOVES backyard pools, but hates the "big" pool, until today....
At first he was just checking it out...
then he started to get more brave...
I'm so proud of my baby....
He loved the pool with mama and dada...
At the end of the day, he was splashing, kicking, laughing and loving the water. I can't wait for more pool time!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sunday night dinner

Taken from Jessica's blog: just too cute! I couldn't resist!

The Sweet Life.: dinner with the christianson's#links

What rainy days and long hallways are for...

Caden is one of the luckiest children I know. BOTH of his grandparents LOVE to spoil him. And, it just happened that Tutu and Poppy decided to give Caden a rollercoaster on the best day possible!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Two favorites....



a Popsicle!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

It is on this special day that I am reminded of how blessed I am as a mother. There has been no greater gift than the one I received on November 19, 2008. Caden has brought me so much love and joy, and everyday I thank God for my precious baby boy. I have had the best role models to look up to, ones that have passed and ones that are still here. From my sister, calmness in the storm, from my friends, creativity to keep active, from Mamasan, kindness during anger, and from my mom, having children that can only strive to be as perfect as she. I can only hope that I am the wonderful, caring, kind and understanding mothers you are, to my sweet baby. I wish all the special women out there who have taught me how to be a mom, a very happy mothers day. But above all, I thank my sweet baby for everyday teaching me patience, understanding and what unconditional love is.