Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Caden's dreams...

My favorite part of the day has always been waking up Caden first thing in the morning. Now, its gotten even better....
My new favorite part is waking Caden up and finding out what he dreamed about...it's usually the first thing he'll say.




"Pa-pa, ahhhhh"

I can't believe he's turning TWO in less than two weeks! Where has the time gone??!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010



Caden's learned to undress himself....well, almost!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I have to admit he's the cutest astronaut I've ever seen! Here are pictures from our neighborhood birthday/halloween party; Commander Caden on the "moon"walk; Caden sliding (sorry for the reverse of pictures); and Caden and his trick or treat buddy Brayden.

Dewberry Farm

On the weekend before halloween, Caden and Mama decided to go to Dewberry Farm to pick up a pumpkin and have some fun down on the farm. Needless to say, this was a very difficult task with a toddler who likes to run and a mama trying to take pictures of this toddler.
Caden had a blast involving a pony ride, petting zoo, sno cone and his favorite, a HAYRIDE! What a happy boy!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

ho hum.....

I tried to let Caden's hair grow, just to see if we could "pull off" a "Bieber haircut"....and well, Caden finally got a much needed haircut and made the cutest little smirks during....(I think he was happy he was getting a haircut)!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

loooooong week...

So, we've had a long week. Mama had sinus surgery last Friday, very unexpectantly, Caden's had double ear infections, and Dada's been out of town all week. But, thank goodness my mother-in-law was here to help us. And after this loooooong week, the weekend has arrived and all is well in the Christianson home. Its tough times like this that makes me appreciate our laid back, blessed life. And boy oh boy, do I fall more in love with my baby everyday!
A few from Caden....
-note from daycare (Ms. Carolyn): "everytime I cough, Caden says "You ok?"

-"Mama, whea awww you?"

-"Mama, you heah that?"

-"Move, giffin!"

-and of course, the dreaded, "No" and "Mine"

He is still as sweet as can be, becoming more and more attached to his Dada (to be expected!) And, to top it off, I've begun planning my 2nd birthday party!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Labor Day 2010

Our wonderful friends, John and Jessica, took us and another couple, Steph and Dennis (along with all our little ones) on the San Jacinto river, in Houston. What a fantastic day!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

end of summer???

Sorry for the "blog vacation"! I have no other excuse than being lazy and trying to stay cool in this "hottest summer in Houston to date." Lovely that we move to Houston on this record setting summer. Nonetheless, we have much to look forward to in the next few months...while most kids are looking forward to a new school year, we have a few years yet.
Update on Caden...after a "summer cold", Caden is back to his sweet self! He is a curious child with the sweetest disposition. He definitely has a interest in sports, already has his baseball pose down!

His vocabulary is unreal! 75+ words...no direct credit to his amazing parents, but his day care is wonderful! I have loved introducing him to all MY favorites, including Mary Poppins and his first pair of roller skates (although Chad hates to admit it, Caden is a natural.)

Like I said, much to look forward to...football, halloween (this week received his costume...an astronaut!--how can we live in Houston and not be an astronaut!), and the much anticipated cool(er) weather!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A glimpse into our summer...

Summer is definitely here...from the sweltering Texas heat to the popsicles to the frequent trips to the swimming pool! We are loving it! Here is Caden hard at play.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!

Such a tender moment between a sweet baby and a great father!!! Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband, and of course, both of our fathers!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's already begun....

So, we've already started a tradition long-in-the-making! Yesterday, I decided we would surprise Dada with the Gator chomp. So, after pointing out gator, I would say to Caden, "what does a gator say?" And his response, "Chomp, chomp, chomp." Only, he doesn't do a "normal" chomp arm motion....no, he takes one hand and slaps the back of his other wrist.
Well....I guess we have 2 1/2 months left to work on it :)

On a side note, as I was working tonight on my computer, I turn around and see this...


Monday, June 14, 2010

You know your child loves you when....

--he kisses the palm of your hand

--...and ponytail!

--he's really in a "mine" phase and when you ask him for the last goldfish, he replies with "mine", but then puts it in your mouth and smiles.

--he wants to sit next to you or on your lap to watch his favorite show.

--when you go in his room in the morning to wake him, he replies with a cheerful "hi!" and even when he's crying in the middle of the night and you go in to kiss him and he cheers up immediately and says "hi!"

more to come.....

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Last weekend, Caden and I went to Atlanta to visit Aunt Shea, Railey, Tutu, Poppy, and of course, baby Maysie! What a SWEET baby Sara Mays (Maysie)is. She loves to be cuddled and loved on!
Preparing for our trip, I asked Caden...
Mama: "Did you know you're not the baby anymore?" to which he quickly responded..
Caden: "No!"
Nonetheless, our trip was great! The first time Caden had really been around another baby, and he was perfect. Only a few occasions he decided to point out her eyes (did not phase Maysie at all!) and pull on her ear. And only once did he decide to climb in Maysie's bouncer.
Here are our pictures from the trip, and Railey, and Caden's trip to the zoo!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My sweet baby boy....

Things I want to never forget....

~Caden holding my hand just to walk to the next room.

~My cuddly baby--if Caden gets scared or startled, he runs to me, climbs into my lap, lays on me chest to chest and tucks his hands underneath him.

~On the ride home from day care, Caden was saying over and over again "Mama... Dada... Taden!" (how he says Caden)

~Caden is the friendliest child I know! He waves hi and bye to all the neighbors, tells me bye (10+ times) if he is leaving the room, he even waved bye bye to the fish at the pet store.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pool Time

Almost every Saturday, we go to the pool. And, every Saturday Caden does not enjoy himself. He LOVES his baths, he LOVES backyard pools, but hates the "big" pool, until today....
At first he was just checking it out...
then he started to get more brave...
I'm so proud of my baby....
He loved the pool with mama and dada...
At the end of the day, he was splashing, kicking, laughing and loving the water. I can't wait for more pool time!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sunday night dinner

Taken from Jessica's blog: just too cute! I couldn't resist!

The Sweet Life.: dinner with the christianson's#links

What rainy days and long hallways are for...

Caden is one of the luckiest children I know. BOTH of his grandparents LOVE to spoil him. And, it just happened that Tutu and Poppy decided to give Caden a rollercoaster on the best day possible!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Two favorites....



a Popsicle!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

It is on this special day that I am reminded of how blessed I am as a mother. There has been no greater gift than the one I received on November 19, 2008. Caden has brought me so much love and joy, and everyday I thank God for my precious baby boy. I have had the best role models to look up to, ones that have passed and ones that are still here. From my sister, calmness in the storm, from my friends, creativity to keep active, from Mamasan, kindness during anger, and from my mom, having children that can only strive to be as perfect as she. I can only hope that I am the wonderful, caring, kind and understanding mothers you are, to my sweet baby. I wish all the special women out there who have taught me how to be a mom, a very happy mothers day. But above all, I thank my sweet baby for everyday teaching me patience, understanding and what unconditional love is.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

A quick bump in the road....

With Caden being in day care 5 days a week, and it seems like he's always got a cold, you always hear "he'll either get it now or in elementary school." Well he's getting his fair share now.....Right on the heels of recovering from swine flu, Caden was just diagnosed with Strep and double ear infections. I guess what triggered us to something being wrong, was the numerous sleepless nights Chad and I were getting. But, I think we've passed the bump in the road!! One elmo stuffed animal, a few doses of Chamomilla each day, and a steady bedtime regime later, Caden is back to his old self :)

Everyday, I am more fascinated by this little guy. You can just look in his eyes and see those wheels turning up in his head. I love our jibberish conversations! Just about every day Caden will have a real, well almost real, conversation with me...including hand gestures, nodding/shaking of the head, and the occasional laugh--like I'm the funniest person he knows! He is just too precious for words, even jibberish words.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New house...

Well, finally, I have had time to sit down and write about the last 3 weeks. We are still getting adjusted to our new house, new jobs, etc. but, are really enjoying our new Texas life. Caden seems to be fully enjoying our long hallways, and has adjusted perfectly. Just a few more finishing touches and we'll be set. Aside from an occasional raccoon guest, we are absolutely loving our house.
Caden is really starting to show his personality! He is SO active...a very busy boy! Always running, never walking, loves to cuddle (and be held), and is talking up a storm (up, ball--his favorite, outside, momo--elmo and/or mickey mouse, diaper, bath, cracker, no, and more!) I am very impressed by his blooming language ability. And even more pleased that he's starting to be able to follow simple commands.
Easter was very nice, Saturday our neighborhood had a party--Kegs and Eggs. Caden didn't quite grasp the Easter egg hunt, but would pick up an occasional egg, yell "ball" ("No, Caden, Easter egg"), then throw it in his Easter basket.