Saturday, April 24, 2010

A quick bump in the road....

With Caden being in day care 5 days a week, and it seems like he's always got a cold, you always hear "he'll either get it now or in elementary school." Well he's getting his fair share now.....Right on the heels of recovering from swine flu, Caden was just diagnosed with Strep and double ear infections. I guess what triggered us to something being wrong, was the numerous sleepless nights Chad and I were getting. But, I think we've passed the bump in the road!! One elmo stuffed animal, a few doses of Chamomilla each day, and a steady bedtime regime later, Caden is back to his old self :)

Everyday, I am more fascinated by this little guy. You can just look in his eyes and see those wheels turning up in his head. I love our jibberish conversations! Just about every day Caden will have a real, well almost real, conversation with me...including hand gestures, nodding/shaking of the head, and the occasional laugh--like I'm the funniest person he knows! He is just too precious for words, even jibberish words.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New house...

Well, finally, I have had time to sit down and write about the last 3 weeks. We are still getting adjusted to our new house, new jobs, etc. but, are really enjoying our new Texas life. Caden seems to be fully enjoying our long hallways, and has adjusted perfectly. Just a few more finishing touches and we'll be set. Aside from an occasional raccoon guest, we are absolutely loving our house.
Caden is really starting to show his personality! He is SO active...a very busy boy! Always running, never walking, loves to cuddle (and be held), and is talking up a storm (up, ball--his favorite, outside, momo--elmo and/or mickey mouse, diaper, bath, cracker, no, and more!) I am very impressed by his blooming language ability. And even more pleased that he's starting to be able to follow simple commands.
Easter was very nice, Saturday our neighborhood had a party--Kegs and Eggs. Caden didn't quite grasp the Easter egg hunt, but would pick up an occasional egg, yell "ball" ("No, Caden, Easter egg"), then throw it in his Easter basket.